Friday, September 5, 2008

First Post/Superpower of Control


This is officially my first post in my first blog ever and I know, it is not that thrilling.

Anyways, my first post will be about a superpower that I would want if I had a choice. Thinking it over with great difficulty, and after watching a animated yet amazing show, I found a "Power" that I would find interesting to possess! ( Yes this upcoming power is not my own creation, I just think it would be amazing to have.)

"Power of Control"

Description: This power activates through eye contact, forcing anyone into an absolute "controlled" state. You can give any command within the selected persons capabilities. For example, you could ask someone to "Fly" but, because it is not within human abilities, the person to whom you asked would be unable to carry out the action.( Unless say, you had a superpower that allowed you to fly). Another aspect to point out would be that if the action had to do with knowledge, or knowing the answer to a certain event that was not know to the directed person, they would direct you to someone who did.Also, its an ability quite similar to a hypnotic effect on the brain in which the person will not remember being asked or doing whatever is asked of you. Lastly, if time or such data is not specified within the demand it could continue on, for example, If I asked someone to not attempt anything risky, without saying when, it would "activate" only when a risky event would occur, and they would avoid it if possible.

Strengths: *It cannot be ignored.
*Ask anyone of anything(Humanly Possible).
*Could use it to get anything you want.
*The time from when the effect starts to when it finishes is forgotten.

Weakness: *It can only be used once per person.
*Has to be directed through eye contact(using a mirror would work as well)
*You can only issue one command.

Why I would want it? Just think about how many times a day you lied to in a day. Just think about all of the different things you would like people to do for you that would refuse on impulse. The power of command, a power to control or hypnotize minds into how you see fit would be useful and overall be an amusing power to possess. There may be many obstacles and risks to having this ability but the outcome would be truth. The main reason I would want this power is because no one would be able to get away with lying to me. Using this weapon to find the hidden meanings behind this world would ultimately be rewarding.