Friday, November 14, 2008

The Kite Runner-Part1

Khaled Hosseini hints in "The Kite Runner" that Amir, the protagonist, does not consider his best friend a friend. This is presented in his thoughts when his father Baba tells him many of his stories, "[b]ut in none of his stories did [he] ever refer to Ali as his friend." Hearing this, Amir realizes that "[he] never thought of Hassan and [himself] as friends."

As I read this, hypothetical questions started to arise in my mind. Can human beings really call another human a friend? A friend is someone you know you can trust and regard with affection. Can a person truly trust another though? Wouldn't that person only be deceiving themselves? No one ever admits or reveals their true persona so, that being said, aren't humans always being lied to at a subconscious level by another? Couldn't it be seen that people evolve by lying to themselves? With continuous lies a person will grasp those lies and be shaped differently. Just because this conscious outer layer is seen as a persons self doesn't mean that that's what their all about. For example, what if someone lied to someone to obtain a "friendship" with another. Wouldn't that person have to maintain that lie until the very end or until their friendship is terminated? But then the question appears, was that really a friend? Even if it was only an affection or a connection from a lie? Amir discovers that even though he does everything with Hassan and has a connection with him, its only, to say, at a subconscious level. For when he heard his fathers story, his subconscious thoughts awakened and made him realize the harsh truth. So can a human being truly call another a friend?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reasons to write a story...

Writing a story can be a hard task to undertake. Now, I will give you the top 3 reasons why taking the time and putting the effort into writing one can be beneficial:

1. You Get A Story That You Are Interested In: Have you ever read a book where you don't like how the plot has turned, or how the characters ended up? In writing your own story, you are creating something that you yourself would have particular taste in. You get a story completely to your liking and can allow others to enjoy the same type of tale.

2. You Get A Plot That Is Interesting To Yourself And To Others: Creating a plot line that is immense and creative can be hard, but the outcome of a well thought out one is incredible. Just imagine others reading your story and enjoying themselves reading something created by you. It would be an amazing accomplishment.

3. You Get What You Want Out Of The Characters: You know how when you read a story and you start liking the characters, but then they go and do something completely ridiculous, well with your own story you can bend and shape the characters to your liking. You can have them do all of the things that you would like and have them directly effect the plot in dramatic ways.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog...Or Just What to Blog?

I believe that we should have complete freedom in writing a blog as long as it meets the English requirements, being spelling or grammar and the like. Now, as for what to blog, I think ranting about anything we want would be fun. I know this will be a glorious way to blog because we have ultimate freedom, meaning that you could write about the plot of a story with all of the thoughts involved, talk about how exciting your day was or how thrilling a certain experience was. You could also simply create a story in your blog. All I am saying is that the freedom to blog about whatever you want, whether it be with no topic, no format or so forth, as long as it contains proper spelling and grammar, anything should go!

Our blogs, in my opinion should be marked as a whole for the term. I believe that way it would even out the rough ends you may have on certain topics. To achieve high marks the blogger would have to possess blogs with flawless spelling and well thought out ideas. The ideas wouldn't have to necessarily have deep meaning, or have great connections as some topics that people write about maybe not be so complex, and they shouldn't be penalized for talking about something they are interested in.

The hazards of Lethargy

1. "Title"

2. "Lord of the Flies" shows similarities to the events in the short story "The Lottery". In the short story, we are introduced to a seemingly quiet town, with little population and has everyone knowing each other. In "Lord of the Flies" a plane crash strands British school boys on an uninhabited island, starting us with frantic kids that still look calm and innocent looking. As the story unfolds in "The Lottery", we find out that the citizens are not so normal and actually stone a certain person to death each year; the winner of the lottery. Everyone knows about it and still don't do a thing, also the kids start to kill each other in "Lord of the Flies", and even though they are quite aware killing is wrong, still do it.

3. In the speech "The Perils of Indifference" Mr. Wiesel tells us that people, under certain circumstances, will not do anything even against absolute wrong. No one will stand up to be noticed, no one will make a difference. This relates to the townsfolk in "The Lottery" in a way that even though they are quite aware of what the lottery is, and how it takes a life every year, they don't do anything about it. Even people in such a small village, even so much closer to everyone or even if part of a family, won't question the horrors of the lottery, a tradition. Mr. Wiesel is telling us all of the dangers of this and how people need to change and stand up strong.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Review For You.

In today's session, I will be blogging. This blog will be in the form of a review, and I will be reviewing the anime series Code Geass. Code Geass is an intense dramatic series with obscure plot lines, battle scenes, and characters that develop to the point where they may start to annoy you. This complex yet emotion story will pull you in to the immense dramatics that unfold and will only leave you wanting more.

This show deals with ideal problem about what the right thing to do is versus the bad. The young male lead character has chosen a path of deep secluded loneliness as he tries to conquer his home land, taking revenge for his mothers murder and his sister.

To someone who does not under go in depth investigation may pass this groundbreaking series by for the mere fact that the plot sounds like a typical "Good Vs. Bad" story. If you think that, you'd be seriously mistaken as it in fact develops a much deeper message. The character has to challenge himself through very suspenseful decisions. Being produced by the Sunrise, the company that likes to make a show as complex and confusing as can be, shows us that they have not let us down. Plot- 9/10

The battle scenes, which are strategically placed in the series as they need as much time as possible to fit dramatics, are quick, flashy and to the point. Battle scenes that last a life time are not enjoyable. I doubt many people enjoy waiting a week or two for there anticipated episode only to be disappointed by the mere fact that it focuses on the two conflicting characters starring at each other in 100 different camera angles. Occasionally, directors throw in the blunt grunting sounds which does not help. That is why the battle scenes in Code Geass are satisfying and overall deserve a high grade. Battle Scenes- 8/10

If you look for a show with characters that will make you love them look no further, all of the characters in Code Geass show deep development as they progress, even if they only have about 1 minute of screen time. The characters all develop personalities that seem so real that you could even compare yourself to them, yes that's right, although I doubt you will move within the same motivation level, as I don't think most are destined for re-creating the world or having some involvement in it. They are comedic and can really be determined to fulfill their existence.
Character- 9/10

This show is a exhilarating watch for all fans of great stories, and that can handle them in an anime format.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 3

Today, the challenge that we English students must overcome is to choose a " Top 3" list, and I have chosen to discuss the top 3 anime characters. The top 3 characters that I have decided on are:

1. Lelouch Lamperouge(vi Britannia) from Code Geass(R2)

2. Ayato Kamina from Rahxephon

3. Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion

My criteria is based on dramatics the certain characters has to endure throughout the series that they are in. Within the plot line of each of the following shows,
dilemmas arise one after the other which seemingly force the characters into unavoidable predicaments which always miraculously end in a miserable way. Coincidence? I think not. In reality, these wondrous characters only undergo these terrifying experiences and unthinkable decisions only to better themselves and further develop their character.

Lelouch Lamperouge is one of the most brilliant, yet at the same time most tortured character throughout the series Code Geass in my opinion. The challenges he is faced with and the reality of choices he must deal with are far greater than any person could keep a mental stability to. One of the horrors he is faced with is killing is first love, of course only after she and he had been finally reunited and had accepted to live together. Why he killed her? Why not watch the show, for the description needed to give you an accurate answer would take far to long. However I can give a brief detail and that is he mistakenly casts his Geass upon her. Another painful experience he had to bear through was having his memory erased. Since he has forgotten everything, his father, the emperor of Britannia, has given him a brother in place of his true sister who was kidnapped only moments before the memory was taken. The worst part is regaining his memory and realizing everything is false and a lie. He then has is new "girlfriend" killed by his jealous and needy little brother who only thinks that Lelouch will be happy as long as he is by his side. Nearing the end of the dramatic plot, his fake brother dies helping Lelouch escape a near death predicament. Lelouch just then growing feelings about his brother, who he has treated like trash the whole time, but again is too late as he has just died. I will conclude Lelouch as soon as I explain the most tragic event. During the course of this show Lelouch has tried to destroy, and recreate Britannia all for his sister. At the end after all that's happened, you see him confront his paralyzed sister, even though she now despises him for his horrible methods in changing the world, and asks her to stand aside as he is nearing his re-created world. She refuses to acknowledge his ways and is left behind, hurting on the stairs she falls onto backwards, unable to do anything as her legs are disabled, as he coldly walks away with no remorse on his face. Months pass as his world of dictatorship is established, but all as planned for the ultimate goal. He is parading down a street with his sister chained to the floor below as an resister steps up, only to be his one and only childhood friend, and chases up to him and draws a sword, plunging his heart. This however was the very end he wanted as you learn that his friend was requested to kill him by himself. The plan was to gather the worlds hate and have it end with the life of his own. He stumbles down to his sister, who is stunned at the sight to see him like this. Touching his hand, she sees, or reads his thoughts and now understands why he acted how he did and can do nothing but cry and shout out, " Its not fair!" over his dead body. I find this very angering because he didn't even get a simple, " I love you" out to her as his life faded away. Lelouch's story, if I went more in depth with all of the events, would prove to be that of a very dramatic one.

Ayato Kamina is a boy who has been stuck within times flow for most of his life. His memory was erased when he was young and he never truly gains it back. Slowly throughout the stories events however certain events unravel as he questions what his purpose is. He learns that, even though he doesn't like it, has to fight his way through a certain existence to re-tune the world. He under goes much psychological stress and damage as he has to fight and kill his best friends to complete his goal.

Shinji Ikari is from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Let me just start off by saying that this show in itself is so deep and psychologically frustrating to understand and the creator was going through a depression or severe psychodramas of his own. This show is so disturbed that I will be giving you a reference to the wikipedia page because there are far to many involved references to religious and psychiatric theries. Since the show is so disturbed and I just can't go into the detail of how Shinji is dramatically challenged, I will provide a link to the wikipedia page for you viewers if you wish to read up on it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Post/Superpower of Control


This is officially my first post in my first blog ever and I know, it is not that thrilling.

Anyways, my first post will be about a superpower that I would want if I had a choice. Thinking it over with great difficulty, and after watching a animated yet amazing show, I found a "Power" that I would find interesting to possess! ( Yes this upcoming power is not my own creation, I just think it would be amazing to have.)

"Power of Control"

Description: This power activates through eye contact, forcing anyone into an absolute "controlled" state. You can give any command within the selected persons capabilities. For example, you could ask someone to "Fly" but, because it is not within human abilities, the person to whom you asked would be unable to carry out the action.( Unless say, you had a superpower that allowed you to fly). Another aspect to point out would be that if the action had to do with knowledge, or knowing the answer to a certain event that was not know to the directed person, they would direct you to someone who did.Also, its an ability quite similar to a hypnotic effect on the brain in which the person will not remember being asked or doing whatever is asked of you. Lastly, if time or such data is not specified within the demand it could continue on, for example, If I asked someone to not attempt anything risky, without saying when, it would "activate" only when a risky event would occur, and they would avoid it if possible.

Strengths: *It cannot be ignored.
*Ask anyone of anything(Humanly Possible).
*Could use it to get anything you want.
*The time from when the effect starts to when it finishes is forgotten.

Weakness: *It can only be used once per person.
*Has to be directed through eye contact(using a mirror would work as well)
*You can only issue one command.

Why I would want it? Just think about how many times a day you lied to in a day. Just think about all of the different things you would like people to do for you that would refuse on impulse. The power of command, a power to control or hypnotize minds into how you see fit would be useful and overall be an amusing power to possess. There may be many obstacles and risks to having this ability but the outcome would be truth. The main reason I would want this power is because no one would be able to get away with lying to me. Using this weapon to find the hidden meanings behind this world would ultimately be rewarding.