Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 3

Today, the challenge that we English students must overcome is to choose a " Top 3" list, and I have chosen to discuss the top 3 anime characters. The top 3 characters that I have decided on are:

1. Lelouch Lamperouge(vi Britannia) from Code Geass(R2)

2. Ayato Kamina from Rahxephon

3. Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion

My criteria is based on dramatics the certain characters has to endure throughout the series that they are in. Within the plot line of each of the following shows,
dilemmas arise one after the other which seemingly force the characters into unavoidable predicaments which always miraculously end in a miserable way. Coincidence? I think not. In reality, these wondrous characters only undergo these terrifying experiences and unthinkable decisions only to better themselves and further develop their character.

Lelouch Lamperouge is one of the most brilliant, yet at the same time most tortured character throughout the series Code Geass in my opinion. The challenges he is faced with and the reality of choices he must deal with are far greater than any person could keep a mental stability to. One of the horrors he is faced with is killing is first love, of course only after she and he had been finally reunited and had accepted to live together. Why he killed her? Why not watch the show, for the description needed to give you an accurate answer would take far to long. However I can give a brief detail and that is he mistakenly casts his Geass upon her. Another painful experience he had to bear through was having his memory erased. Since he has forgotten everything, his father, the emperor of Britannia, has given him a brother in place of his true sister who was kidnapped only moments before the memory was taken. The worst part is regaining his memory and realizing everything is false and a lie. He then has is new "girlfriend" killed by his jealous and needy little brother who only thinks that Lelouch will be happy as long as he is by his side. Nearing the end of the dramatic plot, his fake brother dies helping Lelouch escape a near death predicament. Lelouch just then growing feelings about his brother, who he has treated like trash the whole time, but again is too late as he has just died. I will conclude Lelouch as soon as I explain the most tragic event. During the course of this show Lelouch has tried to destroy, and recreate Britannia all for his sister. At the end after all that's happened, you see him confront his paralyzed sister, even though she now despises him for his horrible methods in changing the world, and asks her to stand aside as he is nearing his re-created world. She refuses to acknowledge his ways and is left behind, hurting on the stairs she falls onto backwards, unable to do anything as her legs are disabled, as he coldly walks away with no remorse on his face. Months pass as his world of dictatorship is established, but all as planned for the ultimate goal. He is parading down a street with his sister chained to the floor below as an resister steps up, only to be his one and only childhood friend, and chases up to him and draws a sword, plunging his heart. This however was the very end he wanted as you learn that his friend was requested to kill him by himself. The plan was to gather the worlds hate and have it end with the life of his own. He stumbles down to his sister, who is stunned at the sight to see him like this. Touching his hand, she sees, or reads his thoughts and now understands why he acted how he did and can do nothing but cry and shout out, " Its not fair!" over his dead body. I find this very angering because he didn't even get a simple, " I love you" out to her as his life faded away. Lelouch's story, if I went more in depth with all of the events, would prove to be that of a very dramatic one.

Ayato Kamina is a boy who has been stuck within times flow for most of his life. His memory was erased when he was young and he never truly gains it back. Slowly throughout the stories events however certain events unravel as he questions what his purpose is. He learns that, even though he doesn't like it, has to fight his way through a certain existence to re-tune the world. He under goes much psychological stress and damage as he has to fight and kill his best friends to complete his goal.

Shinji Ikari is from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Let me just start off by saying that this show in itself is so deep and psychologically frustrating to understand and the creator was going through a depression or severe psychodramas of his own. This show is so disturbed that I will be giving you a reference to the wikipedia page because there are far to many involved references to religious and psychiatric theries. Since the show is so disturbed and I just can't go into the detail of how Shinji is dramatically challenged, I will provide a link to the wikipedia page for you viewers if you wish to read up on it.

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